Vol. 13 No. 4

 October – November – December 2024


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
1Surabhi Dwivedi
Dr. Rashmi Bishnoi
Impact Of Tourism On Juvenile Delinquency1 to 13Download
2Prof. Dr. Milind Babaso DeshmukhAn Analysis Of Body Image, Social Media Habit, And Sexual Attitudes Among Adolescents14 to 24Download
3Jitendra PolSocio-Economic Development Of Pune District: A Comprehensive Analysis25 to 32Download
4Nazim Nazir
Uttam Namdeo Gadhe
Women And Politics In Nagaland: A Geographical Perspective33 to 44Download
5Dr. Anurag UpadhayayStress Management Interventions To Facilitate Psychological Adaptation And Optimal Health Outcomes In Cancer Patients And Survivors45 to 57Download
6Dr. Ashok KumarIndia’s Cultural And Civilisational Influence On Southeast Asia58 to 62Download
7Mohammad Rafiq MokhlesThe Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in Afghanistan from 2001 to 202163 to 79Download
8Dr. Adinath Vishwanath LondheEvolution Of UN Peacekeeping Operations80 to 89Download
9डॉ. वैशाली जोशीलोकसाहित्य अभ्यास आणि सामाजिक संशोधन90 to 99Download
10डॉ. बंदना श्रीवास्तवपरिवारिक बजट में भारतीय महिलाओं की भुमिका100 to 103Download
11Dr. Kumar AmitImpact Of Perl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) For The Antidiabetic, Antioxidant, Other Biomedical Applications104 to 110Download
12डॉ. माया बी. मसरामभारतीय राज्यघटनेचे राजकीय तत्वज्ञान111 to 116Download
13Mrs. Navdeep Kaur
Mrs. Saroj Rani
Mr. Baldev Singla
Redefining Teacher Education In India: Transformative Approaches And Challenges Under NEP 2020117 to 135Download
14Bhosale Umesh Sudamrao
Munde Sonali Vamanrao
Garbhsanskar And Social Media136 to 139Download
15Dr. Mahendra Subhash KhairnarThe Social Contract As The Basis Of Modern Democracy140 to 147Download
16Samiksha Mhatre
Himanshu Prajapati
Prerna Sharma
Ayesha Shaikh
Medicated Chocolate Development And Estimation For Oral Drug Delivery In Tribal Pediatrics148 to 158Download
17Mr. Rupesh Dilip Tanksale
Mr. Ravindra Vilas Gaikwad
“The Plight Of Women In Patriarchal Society”: A Study Of Girish Karnard’s Naga-Mandala159 to 162Download
18Mrs. Supriya C. Gaikwad
Nanaso K. Awatade
Dr. Naganath D. Banasode
Contribution Of Carbon Credits Trading To Our Society And A Step Towards Green Environment163 to 166Download
19Nanaso K. Awatade
Dr. Naganath D. Banasode
Mrs. Supriya C. Gaikwad
Smartphone Usage Pattern – A Study Of College Students167 to 170Download
20वर्षा प्रकाश आसबेकेशवराव जेधे यांचे राजकीय विचार व कार्य171 to 176Download
21पूजा सर्जेराव चौगलेस्वातंत्र्यपूर्व काळातील भारतीय राजकारणात धर्माचा प्रभाव177 to 180Download
22गणेश शिवलाल माळीस्वातंत्र्योत्तर भारतीय राजकारणात धर्माचा प्रभाव181 to 186Download
23Miss. Komal Suresh Jagtap
Mr. Mayur Suresh Jagtap
Advancements In Prediction Methods For Enhanced Performance In Aeronautics187 to 193Download
24Mr. Gotpagar Shrikant TatobaAn Overview Of India’s Agriculture Export: A Study194 to 199Download
25Mr. Jawale Gautam RamchandraEnvironmental Sustainability & Development200 to 209Download