Welcome to Young Researcher, an Interdisciplinary Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Research Journal! We are a prestigious scholarly publication dedicated to providing a platform for young researchers, early-career scholars, and students to showcase their innovative research, explore interdisciplinary connections, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
At Young Researcher, we recognize the immense potential and fresh perspectives that young researchers bring to the academic community. We believe in nurturing and supporting the intellectual curiosity, creativity, and scholarly endeavors of emerging scholars. Our journal serves as a stepping stone for early-career researchers to gain recognition, disseminate their findings, and engage in scholarly discourse.
The core principle guiding our journal is the promotion of interdisciplinary research. We strongly believe that the convergence of different disciplines can lead to groundbreaking insights, transformative discoveries, and holistic solutions to complex problems. We encourage researchers from diverse academic backgrounds, including but not limited to natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, technology, health sciences, and arts, to submit their work to our journal.
To ensure the integrity and quality of the research we publish, we employ a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. This process guarantees anonymity for both the authors and the reviewers, fostering unbiased evaluation and maintaining high academic standards. Our commitment to a fair and transparent review process ensures that only original, impactful, and well-executed research is accepted for publication.
Young Researcher follows an open access model, making all published articles freely available to researchers, students, and the wider global community. We firmly believe that open access promotes knowledge sharing, facilitates collaboration, and accelerates the progress of research. By providing unrestricted access to research findings, we aim to democratize information and contribute to the growth of the global scientific community.
In addition to original research articles, Young Researcher publishes review articles, theoretical papers, methodological contributions, and critical essays. We also encourage the submission of interdisciplinary research projects, innovative concepts, and exploratory studies that challenge conventional boundaries and push the frontiers of knowledge.
Our dedicated editorial team comprises accomplished academics and researchers from diverse disciplines who bring a wealth of expertise to the journal. They ensure that each submission undergoes a thorough and constructive review process, providing valuable feedback to authors and maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor.
Young Researcher – ISSN 2277-7911 offers a supportive and inclusive environment for young researchers to flourish. We provide a platform for scholarly growth, networking opportunities, and mentorship, enabling early-career scholars to establish their research profiles and build meaningful connections within the academic community.
We invite young researchers, early-career scholars, and students to submit their original work to Young Researcher. By doing so, you contribute to the vibrant academic discourse and become part of a community committed to nurturing talent, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and advancing the frontiers of knowledge.
Thank you for your interest in our journal. We eagerly await your valuable contributions and look forward to sharing your research with the global academic community.

Dr. Pravin Talekar
Young Researcher – ISSN 2277-7911